Friday, July 24, 2009

Getting Screwed By Google

For some reason I keep getting this pop up ad from Google Home Profits, even though my pop up blocker is on. Usually the simple fact that this is happening would be enough to get my blood boiling, but there is more to it.

The ad that keeps taunting me is for a Google "money" generating home business . You place ads on your website and you start making money, just like that. Let me set the mood...wait for it...wait for it...Google Home Profits can suck it or go to hell. Actually can they do both?

Let me give you one of the links, because I know you are dying to see what I'm talking about. It's like this link is possessed. All day it's been popping up! Block it and it comes back. Anyone have any other ideas how to stop this torture? I'm thinking about going down to their office and helping them remove me from whatever system they have! Oh wait that's right they don't have an address that matches the website. Could it be because this is total crap.

Mike Richardson probably doesn't really exist. Wait let me go check the phone book. After all they claim he lives in my town and makes 5,000 a week. Found one guy in the phone book. Wonder if I should call him? I want to know if he got screwed out of 76.00 or was that just me. Thought I'd see how that crap works and post about it. I figured no harm, no foul it's just 1.87 shipping.

Oh how wrong I was! I get a charge for 76.00 from Google Home Profits parent company and it's a recurring fee, no less. WTF? Nowhere does it state that I'm going to be charged (or screwed out of) 76.00 for anything. Here's the link about the Google Ad scams and more, check it for yourself. You won't find a 76.00 fee anywhere in any of the ads. It does however state this diddy: Your cost=$0. At the end you'll be told you can be charged 49.95 after the 7 day trial. In most of the ads this information is hidden at the very end after you pay 1.87 shipping.

Guess what? I never even got my 1.87 software that I am still fighting them to refund 76.00 for. Don't cha think I need to receive the damn thing in order to return it?? That's my favorite!

Take my advice and don't try to expose a scam by getting involved. I would love to hear from a real person that actually makes real money with this scam.


Adullamite said...

Scams go on for ever.
I returned to 68 e-mails and half were scams!

Andrea said...

Gotta be careful.
Love how your blog looks like (I'm a fan of retro and vintage what can I say:)

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

I just stay away from this stuff. I can't imagine the money it would generate would amount to a hill of beans.

Christy said...

It's not even a Google company. You should write a letter to Google suggesting they sue these wahoo's. Google does have more money, lawyers, etc. than you, and with them trying to promote their new OS they may not want their name associated with this scam.

Vanessa said...

I would KILL! This is one of those situations where I make it a drinking game. Take a shot every time a customer service rep hangs up on me.

Going Like Sixty said...

I think one of your questions was can you make money by putting Google ads on your blog.

1. Yes, you can put Google AdSense ads on your blog. Google will show you how (I don't use Blogger so that's about all I know.)

2. Will you make money? Hardly. But it's still fun to get a check once in a while from Google.

FWIW: I get about 10,000 visitors a month and earned about $80 in June.

Too bad you got ripped off, but you really should know better. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. (Like I've never done something stupid! :)

PS: you paid by credit card? Did you notify them?

Anonymous said...

google loves to take money from people. i signed up for adsense way back when and when it was time for them to pay me the 82 meeger bucks they owed me at the end of the month they banned me instead. They said my site was too small to make that money with violating their TOA... Losers :-(

Suburban Psychosis said...

They denied my friend 65.00 by saying she violated some policy, which they didn't explain.

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

I'm so glad (and sorry) you did this - I mean not because you got screwed, but I've been tempted to follow a potential scam until just before getting screwed, and you've kind of turned me off of that idea. THANK YOU for telling us about it! I got burned earlier this year with one of those door-to-door magazine subscription sale pitches (the originators of which - Universal Subscription Agency) can also suck it and go to hell.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Young Lady, I'm getting worried ... are you OK? Long time no see ....